Source code for neuralkg.model.RuleModel.ComplEx_NNE_AER

import torch.nn as nn
import torch
import os
from .model import Model
from IPython import embed

[docs]class ComplEx_NNE_AER(Model): """`Improving Knowledge Graph Embedding Using Simple Constraints`_ (/ComplEx-NNE_AER), which examines non-negativity constraints on entity representations and approximate entailment constraints on relation representations. Attributes: args: Model configuration parameters. epsilon: Caculate embedding_range. margin: Caculate embedding_range and loss. embedding_range: Uniform distribution range. ent_emb: Entity embedding, shape:[num_ent, emb_dim]. rel_emb: Relation_embedding, shape:[num_rel, emb_dim]. .. _Improving Knowledge Graph Embedding Using Simple Constraints: """ def __init__(self, args, rel2id): super(ComplEx_NNE_AER, self).__init__(args) self.args = args self.ent_emb = None self.rel_emb = None self.init_emb() self.rule, self.conf = self.get_rule(rel2id)
[docs] def get_rule(self, rel2id): """Get rule for rule_base KGE models, such as ComplEx_NNE model. Get rule and confidence from _cons.txt file. Update: (rule_p, rule_q): Rule. confidence: The confidence of rule. """ rule_p, rule_q, confidence = [], [], [] with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, '_cons.txt')) as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: rule_str, trust = line.strip().split() body, head = rule_str.split(',') if '-' in body: rule_p.append(rel2id[body[1:]]) rule_q.append(rel2id[head]) else: rule_p.append(rel2id[body]) rule_q.append(rel2id[head]) confidence.append(float(trust)) rule_p = torch.tensor(rule_p).cuda() rule_q = torch.tensor(rule_q).cuda() confidence = torch.tensor(confidence).cuda() return (rule_p, rule_q), confidence
[docs] def init_emb(self): """Initialize the entity and relation embeddings in the form of a uniform distribution. """ self.epsilon = 2.0 self.margin = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor([self.args.margin]), requires_grad=False ) self.embedding_range = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor([(self.margin.item() + self.epsilon) / self.args.emb_dim]), requires_grad=False ) self.ent_emb = nn.Embedding(self.args.num_ent, self.args.emb_dim * 2) self.rel_emb = nn.Embedding(self.args.num_rel, self.args.emb_dim * 2) nn.init.uniform_(, a=-self.embedding_range.item(), b=self.embedding_range.item()) nn.init.uniform_(, a=-self.embedding_range.item(), b=self.embedding_range.item())
[docs] def score_func(self, head_emb, relation_emb, tail_emb, mode): """Calculating the score of triples. The formula for calculating the score is :math:`Re(< wr, es, e¯o >)` Args: head_emb: The head entity embedding. relation_emb: The relation embedding. tail_emb: The tail entity embedding. mode: Choose head-predict or tail-predict. Returns: score: The score of triples. """ re_head, im_head = torch.chunk(head_emb, 2, dim=-1) re_relation, im_relation = torch.chunk(relation_emb, 2, dim=-1) re_tail, im_tail = torch.chunk(tail_emb, 2, dim=-1) return torch.sum( re_head * re_tail * re_relation + im_head * im_tail * re_relation + re_head * im_tail * im_relation - im_head * re_tail * im_relation, -1 )
[docs] def forward(self, triples, negs=None, mode='single'): """The functions used in the training phase Args: triples: The triples ids, as (h, r, t), shape:[batch_size, 3]. negs: Negative samples, defaults to None. mode: Choose head-predict or tail-predict, Defaults to 'single'. Returns: score: The score of triples. """ head_emb, relation_emb, tail_emb = self.tri2emb(triples, negs, mode) score = self.score_func(head_emb, relation_emb, tail_emb, mode) return score
[docs] def get_score(self, batch, mode): """The functions used in the testing phase Args: batch: A batch of data. mode: Choose head-predict or tail-predict. Returns: score: The score of triples. """ triples = batch["positive_sample"] head_emb, relation_emb, tail_emb = self.tri2emb(triples, mode=mode) score = self.score_func(head_emb, relation_emb, tail_emb, mode) return score