from .DataPreprocess import KGData
import pdb
[docs]class GroundAllRules:
def __init__(self, args):
self.MapRelation2ID = {}
self.MapEntity2ID = {}
self.Relation2Tuple = {}
self.MapID2Entity = {}
self.MapID2Relation = {}
self.TrainTriples = {}
self.RelSub2Obj = {}
self.MapVariable = {}
self.args = args
self.fnEntityIDMap = args.data_path + "/entities.dict"
self.fnRelationIDMap = args.data_path + "/relations.dict"
path_len = len(args.data_path.split('/'))
self.fnRuleType = args.data_path + "/" + args.data_path.split('/')[path_len - 1] + "_rule"
self.fnTrainingTriples = args.data_path + "/train.txt"
self.fnOutout = args.data_path + "/groudings.txt"
[docs] def PropositionalizeRule(self):
self.kgData = KGData(self.args)
self.readData(self.fnEntityIDMap, self.fnRelationIDMap, self.fnTrainingTriples)
self.groundRule(self.fnRuleType, self.fnOutout)
[docs] def readData(self, fnEntityIDMap, fnRelationIDMap, fnTrainingTriples):
tokens = []
self.MapEntity2ID = self.kgData.ent2id
self.MapRelation2ID = self.kgData.rel2id
self.TrainTriples = self.kgData.TrainTriples
self.Relation2Tuple = self.kgData.Relation2Tuple
self.RelSub2Obj = self.kgData.RelSub2Obj
# with open(fnEntityIDMap, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# for line in f.readlines():
# line = line.strip('\n')
# tokens = line.split("\t")
# iEntityID = int(tokens[0])
# strValue = tokens[1]
# self.MapEntity2ID[strValue] = iEntityID
# self.MapID2Entity[iEntityID] = strValue
# with open(fnRelationIDMap, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
# for line in f.readlines():
# line = line.strip('\n')
# tokens = line.split("\t")
# iRelationID = int(tokens[0])
# strValue = tokens[1]
# self.MapRelation2ID[strValue] = iRelationID
# self.MapID2Relation[iRelationID] = strValue
print("Start to load soft rules......")
# with open(fnTrainingTriples, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
# for line in f.readlines():
# line = line.strip('\n')
# tokens = line.split("\t")
# iRelationID = self.MapRelation2ID[tokens[1]]
# strValue = tokens[0] + "#" + tokens[2]
# line = line.replace(tokens[0], str(self.MapEntity2ID[tokens[0]]))
# line = line.replace(tokens[1], str(self.MapRelation2ID[tokens[1]]))
# line = line.replace(tokens[2], str(self.MapEntity2ID[tokens[2]]))
# self.TrainTriples[line] = True
# if not iRelationID in self.Relation2Tuple:
# tmpLst = []
# tmpLst.append(strValue)
# self.Relation2Tuple[iRelationID] = tmpLst
# else:
# self.Relation2Tuple[iRelationID].append(strValue)
# with open(fnTrainingTriples, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
# for line in f.readlines():
# line = line.strip('\n')
# tokens = line.split("\t")
# iRelationID = self.MapRelation2ID[tokens[1]]
# iSubjectID = self.MapEntity2ID[tokens[0]]
# iObjectID = self.MapEntity2ID[tokens[2]]
# tmpMap = {}
# tmpMap_in = {}
# if not iRelationID in self.RelSub2Obj:
# if not iSubjectID in tmpMap:
# tmpMap_in.clear()
# tmpMap_in[iObjectID] = True
# tmpMap[iSubjectID] = tmpMap_in
# else:
# tmpMap[iSubjectID][iObjectID] = True
# self.RelSub2Obj[iRelationID] = tmpMap
# else:
# tmpMap = self.RelSub2Obj[iRelationID]
# if not iSubjectID in tmpMap:
# tmpMap_in.clear()
# tmpMap_in[iObjectID] = True
# tmpMap[iSubjectID] = tmpMap_in
# else:
# tmpMap[iSubjectID][iObjectID] = True
# self.RelSub2Obj[iRelationID] = tmpMap # 是不是应该要加?
[docs] def groundRule(self, fnRuleType, fnOutput):
print("Start to propositionalize soft rules......")
writer = open(fnOutput, "w")
tmpLst = {}
with open(fnRuleType, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("?"):
bodys = line.split("=>")[0].strip().split(" ")
heads = line.split("=>")[1].strip().split(" ")
if len(bodys) == 3:
bEntity1 = bodys[0]
iFstRelation = self.MapRelation2ID[bodys[1]]
bEntity2 = bodys[2]
bEntity3 = heads[0]
iSndRelation = self.MapRelation2ID[heads[1]]
bEntity4 = heads[2].split("\t")[0]
hEntity1 = heads[2].split("\t")[1]
confi = float(hEntity1)
iSize = len(self.Relation2Tuple[iFstRelation])
for i in range(0, iSize):
strValue = self.Relation2Tuple.get(iFstRelation)[i]
iSubjectID = self.MapEntity2ID[strValue.split("#")[0]]
iObjectID = self.MapEntity2ID[strValue.split("#")[1]]
self.MapVariable[bEntity1] = iSubjectID
self.MapVariable[bEntity2] = iObjectID
strKey = "(" + str(iSubjectID) + "\t" + str(iFstRelation) + "\t" + str(
iObjectID) + ")\t" + "(" + str(self.MapVariable[bEntity3]) + "\t" + str(
iSndRelation) + "\t" + str(self.MapVariable[bEntity4]) + ")"
strCons = str(self.MapVariable[bEntity3]) + "\t" + str(iSndRelation) + "\t" + str(
if (not strKey in tmpLst) and (not strCons in self.TrainTriples):
writer.write("2\t" + str(strKey) + "\t" + str(confi) + "\n")
tmpLst[strKey] = True
if len(bodys) == 6:
bEntity1 = bodys[0].strip()
iFstRelation = self.MapRelation2ID[bodys[1].strip()]
bEntity2 = bodys[2].strip()
bEntity3 = bodys[3].strip()
iSndRelation = self.MapRelation2ID[bodys[4].strip()]
bEntity4 = bodys[5].strip()
hEntity1 = heads[0].strip()
iTrdRelation = self.MapRelation2ID[heads[1].strip()]
hEntity2 = heads[2].split("\t")[0].strip()
confidence = heads[2].split("\t")[1].strip()
confi = float(confidence)
mapFstRel = self.RelSub2Obj[iFstRelation]
mapSndRel = self.RelSub2Obj[iSndRelation]
for lstEntity1 in mapFstRel:
self.MapVariable[bEntity1] = lstEntity1
lstEntity2 = list(mapFstRel[lstEntity1].keys())
iFstSize = len(lstEntity2)
for iFstIndex in range(0, iFstSize):
iEntity2ID = lstEntity2[iFstIndex]
self.MapVariable[bEntity1] = lstEntity1
self.MapVariable[bEntity2] = iEntity2ID
lstEntity3 = []
if (bEntity3 in self.MapVariable) and (self.MapVariable[bEntity3] in mapSndRel):
if not bEntity3 in self.MapVariable:
lstEntity3 = list(mapSndRel.keys())
iSndSize = len(lstEntity3)
for iSndIndex in range(0, iSndSize):
iEntity3ID = lstEntity3[iSndIndex]
self.MapVariable[bEntity1] = lstEntity1
self.MapVariable[bEntity2] = iEntity2ID
self.MapVariable[bEntity3] = iEntity3ID
lstEntity4 = []
if (bEntity4 in self.MapVariable) and (
self.MapVariable[bEntity4] in mapSndRel[iEntity3ID]):
if not bEntity4 in self.MapVariable:
lstEntity4 = list(mapSndRel[iEntity3ID].keys())
iTrdSize = len(lstEntity4)
for iTrdIndex in range(0, iTrdSize):
iEntity4ID = lstEntity4[iTrdIndex]
self.MapVariable[bEntity4] = iEntity4ID
infer = str(self.MapVariable[hEntity1]) + "\t" + str(iTrdRelation) + "\t" + str(
strKey = "(" + str(lstEntity1) + "\t" + str(iFstRelation) + "\t" + str(
iEntity2ID) + ")\t(" + str(iEntity3ID) + "\t" + str(iSndRelation) + "\t" + str(
iEntity4ID) + ")\t" + "(" + str(self.MapVariable[hEntity1]) + "\t" + str(
iTrdRelation) + "\t" + str(self.MapVariable[hEntity2]) + ")"
if (not strKey in tmpLst) and (not infer in self.TrainTriples):
writer.write("3\t" + strKey + "\t" + str(confi) + "\n")
tmpLst[strKey] = True