Source code for

import numpy as np
from import Dataset
import torch
import os
from collections import defaultdict as ddict
from IPython import embed

[docs]class KGData(object): """Data preprocessing of kg data. Attributes: args: Some pre-set parameters, such as dataset path, etc. ent2id: Encoding the entity in triples, type: dict. rel2id: Encoding the relation in triples, type: dict. id2ent: Decoding the entity in triples, type: dict. id2rel: Decoding the realtion in triples, type: dict. train_triples: Record the triples for training, type: list. valid_triples: Record the triples for validation, type: list. test_triples: Record the triples for testing, type: list. all_true_triples: Record all triples including train,valid and test, type: list. TrainTriples Relation2Tuple RelSub2Obj hr2t_train: Record the tail corresponding to the same head and relation, type: defaultdict(class:set). rt2h_train: Record the head corresponding to the same tail and relation, type: defaultdict(class:set). h2rt_train: Record the tail, relation corresponding to the same head, type: defaultdict(class:set). t2rh_train: Record the head, realtion corresponding to the same tail, type: defaultdict(class:set). """ # TODO:把里面的函数再分一分,最基础的部分再初始化的使用调用,其他函数具体情况再调用 def __init__(self, args): self.args = args # 基础部分 self.ent2id = {} self.rel2id = {} # predictor需要 self.id2ent = {} self.id2rel = {} # 存放三元组的id self.train_triples = [] self.valid_triples = [] self.test_triples = [] self.all_true_triples = set() # grounding 使用 self.TrainTriples = {} self.Relation2Tuple = {} self.RelSub2Obj = {} self.hr2t_train = ddict(set) self.rt2h_train = ddict(set) self.h2rt_train = ddict(set) self.t2rh_train = ddict(set) self.get_id() self.get_triples_id() if args.use_weight: self.count = self.count_frequency(self.train_triples)
[docs] def get_id(self): """Get entity/relation id, and entity/relation number. Update: self.ent2id: Entity to id. self.rel2id: Relation to id. self.id2ent: id to Entity. self.id2rel: id to Relation. self.args.num_ent: Entity number. self.args.num_rel: Relation number. """ with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "entities.dict")) as fin: for line in fin: eid, entity = line.strip().split("\t") self.ent2id[entity] = int(eid) self.id2ent[int(eid)] = entity with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "relations.dict")) as fin: for line in fin: rid, relation = line.strip().split("\t") self.rel2id[relation] = int(rid) self.id2rel[int(rid)] = relation self.args.num_ent = len(self.ent2id) self.args.num_rel = len(self.rel2id)
[docs] def get_triples_id(self): """Get triples id, save in the format of (h, r, t). Update: self.train_triples: Train dataset triples id. self.valid_triples: Valid dataset triples id. self.test_triples: Test dataset triples id. """ with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "train.txt")) as f: for line in f.readlines(): h, r, t = line.strip().split() self.train_triples.append( (self.ent2id[h], self.rel2id[r], self.ent2id[t]) ) tmp = str(self.ent2id[h]) + '\t' + str(self.rel2id[r]) + '\t' + str(self.ent2id[t]) self.TrainTriples[tmp] = True iRelationID = self.rel2id[r] strValue = str(h) + "#" + str(t) if not iRelationID in self.Relation2Tuple: tmpLst = [] tmpLst.append(strValue) self.Relation2Tuple[iRelationID] = tmpLst else: self.Relation2Tuple[iRelationID].append(strValue) iRelationID = self.rel2id[r] iSubjectID = self.ent2id[h] iObjectID = self.ent2id[t] tmpMap = {} tmpMap_in = {} if not iRelationID in self.RelSub2Obj: if not iSubjectID in tmpMap: tmpMap_in.clear() tmpMap_in[iObjectID] = True tmpMap[iSubjectID] = tmpMap_in else: tmpMap[iSubjectID][iObjectID] = True self.RelSub2Obj[iRelationID] = tmpMap else: tmpMap = self.RelSub2Obj[iRelationID] if not iSubjectID in tmpMap: tmpMap_in.clear() tmpMap_in[iObjectID] = True tmpMap[iSubjectID] = tmpMap_in else: tmpMap[iSubjectID][iObjectID] = True self.RelSub2Obj[iRelationID] = tmpMap # 是不是应该要加? with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "valid.txt")) as f: for line in f.readlines(): h, r, t = line.strip().split() self.valid_triples.append( (self.ent2id[h], self.rel2id[r], self.ent2id[t]) ) with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "test.txt")) as f: for line in f.readlines(): h, r, t = line.strip().split() self.test_triples.append( (self.ent2id[h], self.rel2id[r], self.ent2id[t]) ) self.all_true_triples = set( self.train_triples + self.valid_triples + self.test_triples )
[docs] def get_hr2t_rt2h_from_train(self): """Get the set of hr2t and rt2h from train dataset, the data type is numpy. Update: self.hr2t_train: The set of hr2t. self.rt2h_train: The set of rt2h. """ for h, r, t in self.train_triples: self.hr2t_train[(h, r)].add(t) self.rt2h_train[(r, t)].add(h) for h, r in self.hr2t_train: self.hr2t_train[(h, r)] = np.array(list(self.hr2t_train[(h, r)])) for r, t in self.rt2h_train: self.rt2h_train[(r, t)] = np.array(list(self.rt2h_train[(r, t)]))
[docs] @staticmethod def count_frequency(triples, start=4): '''Get frequency of a partial triple like (head, relation) or (relation, tail). The frequency will be used for subsampling like word2vec. Args: triples: Sampled triples. start: Initial count number. Returns: count: Record the number of (head, relation). ''' count = {} for head, relation, tail in triples: if (head, relation) not in count: count[(head, relation)] = start else: count[(head, relation)] += 1 if (tail, -relation-1) not in count: count[(tail, -relation-1)] = start else: count[(tail, -relation-1)] += 1 return count
[docs] def get_h2rt_t2hr_from_train(self): """Get the set of h2rt and t2hr from train dataset, the data type is numpy. Update: self.h2rt_train: The set of h2rt. self.t2rh_train: The set of t2hr. """ for h, r, t in self.train_triples: self.h2rt_train[h].add((r, t)) self.t2rh_train[t].add((r, h)) for h in self.h2rt_train: self.h2rt_train[h] = np.array(list(self.h2rt_train[h])) for t in self.t2rh_train: self.t2rh_train[t] = np.array(list(self.t2rh_train[t]))
[docs] def get_hr_trian(self): '''Change the generation mode of batch. Merging triples which have same head and relation for 1vsN training mode. Returns: self.train_triples: The tuple(hr, t) list for training ''' self.t_triples = self.train_triples self.train_triples = [ (hr, list(t)) for (hr,t) in self.hr2t_train.items()]
[docs]class BaseSampler(KGData): """Traditional random sampling mode. """ def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) self.get_hr2t_rt2h_from_train()
[docs] def corrupt_head(self, t, r, num_max=1): """Negative sampling of head entities. Args: t: Tail entity in triple. r: Relation in triple. num_max: The maximum of negative samples generated Returns: neg: The negative sample of head entity filtering out the positive head entity. """ tmp = torch.randint(low=0, high=self.args.num_ent, size=(num_max,)).numpy() if not self.args.filter_flag: return tmp mask = np.in1d(tmp, self.rt2h_train[(r, t)], assume_unique=True, invert=True) neg = tmp[mask] return neg
[docs] def corrupt_tail(self, h, r, num_max=1): """Negative sampling of tail entities. Args: h: Head entity in triple. r: Relation in triple. num_max: The maximum of negative samples generated Returns: neg: The negative sample of tail entity filtering out the positive tail entity. """ tmp = torch.randint(low=0, high=self.args.num_ent, size=(num_max,)).numpy() if not self.args.filter_flag: return tmp mask = np.in1d(tmp, self.hr2t_train[(h, r)], assume_unique=True, invert=True) neg = tmp[mask] return neg
[docs] def head_batch(self, h, r, t, neg_size=None): """Negative sampling of head entities. Args: h: Head entity in triple t: Tail entity in triple. r: Relation in triple. neg_size: The size of negative samples. Returns: The negative sample of head entity. [neg_size] """ neg_list = [] neg_cur_size = 0 while neg_cur_size < neg_size: neg_tmp = self.corrupt_head(t, r, num_max=(neg_size - neg_cur_size) * 2) neg_list.append(neg_tmp) neg_cur_size += len(neg_tmp) return np.concatenate(neg_list)[:neg_size]
[docs] def tail_batch(self, h, r, t, neg_size=None): """Negative sampling of tail entities. Args: h: Head entity in triple t: Tail entity in triple. r: Relation in triple. neg_size: The size of negative samples. Returns: The negative sample of tail entity. [neg_size] """ neg_list = [] neg_cur_size = 0 while neg_cur_size < neg_size: neg_tmp = self.corrupt_tail(h, r, num_max=(neg_size - neg_cur_size) * 2) neg_list.append(neg_tmp) neg_cur_size += len(neg_tmp) return np.concatenate(neg_list)[:neg_size]
[docs] def get_train(self): return self.train_triples
[docs] def get_valid(self): return self.valid_triples
[docs] def get_test(self): return self.test_triples
[docs] def get_all_true_triples(self): return self.all_true_triples
[docs]class RevSampler(KGData): """Adding reverse triples in traditional random sampling mode. For each triple (h, r, t), generate the reverse triple (t, r`, h). r` = r + num_rel. Attributes: hr2t_train: Record the tail corresponding to the same head and relation, type: defaultdict(class:set). rt2h_train: Record the head corresponding to the same tail and relation, type: defaultdict(class:set). """ def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) self.hr2t_train = ddict(set) self.rt2h_train = ddict(set) self.add_reverse_relation() self.add_reverse_triples() self.get_hr2t_rt2h_from_train()
[docs] def add_reverse_relation(self): """Get entity/relation/reverse relation id, and entity/relation number. Update: self.ent2id: Entity id. self.rel2id: Relation id. self.args.num_ent: Entity number. self.args.num_rel: Relation number. """ with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "relations.dict")) as fin: len_rel2id = len(self.rel2id) for line in fin: rid, relation = line.strip().split("\t") self.rel2id[relation + "_reverse"] = int(rid) + len_rel2id self.id2rel[int(rid) + len_rel2id] = relation + "_reverse" self.args.num_rel = len(self.rel2id)
[docs] def add_reverse_triples(self): """Generate reverse triples (t, r`, h). Update: self.train_triples: Triples for training. self.valid_triples: Triples for validation. self.test_triples: Triples for testing. self.all_ture_triples: All triples including train, valid and test. """ with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "train.txt")) as f: for line in f.readlines(): h, r, t = line.strip().split() self.train_triples.append( (self.ent2id[t], self.rel2id[r + "_reverse"], self.ent2id[h]) ) with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "valid.txt")) as f: for line in f.readlines(): h, r, t = line.strip().split() self.valid_triples.append( (self.ent2id[t], self.rel2id[r + "_reverse"], self.ent2id[h]) ) with open(os.path.join(self.args.data_path, "test.txt")) as f: for line in f.readlines(): h, r, t = line.strip().split() self.test_triples.append( (self.ent2id[t], self.rel2id[r + "_reverse"], self.ent2id[h]) ) self.all_true_triples = set( self.train_triples + self.valid_triples + self.test_triples )
[docs] def get_train(self): return self.train_triples
[docs] def get_valid(self): return self.valid_triples
[docs] def get_test(self): return self.test_triples
[docs] def get_all_true_triples(self): return self.all_true_triples
[docs] def corrupt_head(self, t, r, num_max=1): """Negative sampling of head entities. Args: t: Tail entity in triple. r: Relation in triple. num_max: The maximum of negative samples generated Returns: neg: The negative sample of head entity filtering out the positive head entity. """ tmp = torch.randint(low=0, high=self.args.num_ent, size=(num_max,)).numpy() if not self.args.filter_flag: return tmp mask = np.in1d(tmp, self.rt2h_train[(r, t)], assume_unique=True, invert=True) neg = tmp[mask] return neg
[docs] def corrupt_tail(self, h, r, num_max=1): """Negative sampling of tail entities. Args: h: Head entity in triple. r: Relation in triple. num_max: The maximum of negative samples generated Returns: neg: The negative sample of tail entity filtering out the positive tail entity. """ tmp = torch.randint(low=0, high=self.args.num_ent, size=(num_max,)).numpy() if not self.args.filter_flag: return tmp mask = np.in1d(tmp, self.hr2t_train[(h, r)], assume_unique=True, invert=True) neg = tmp[mask] return neg
[docs] def head_batch(self, h, r, t, neg_size=None): """Negative sampling of head entities. Args: h: Head entity in triple t: Tail entity in triple. r: Relation in triple. neg_size: The size of negative samples. Returns: The negative sample of head entity. [neg_size] """ neg_list = [] neg_cur_size = 0 while neg_cur_size < neg_size: neg_tmp = self.corrupt_head(t, r, num_max=(neg_size - neg_cur_size) * 2) neg_list.append(neg_tmp) neg_cur_size += len(neg_tmp) return np.concatenate(neg_list)[:neg_size]
[docs] def tail_batch(self, h, r, t, neg_size=None): """Negative sampling of tail entities. Args: h: Head entity in triple t: Tail entity in triple. r: Relation in triple. neg_size: The size of negative samples. Returns: The negative sample of tail entity. [neg_size] """ neg_list = [] neg_cur_size = 0 while neg_cur_size < neg_size: neg_tmp = self.corrupt_tail(h, r, num_max=(neg_size - neg_cur_size) * 2) neg_list.append(neg_tmp) neg_cur_size += len(neg_tmp) return np.concatenate(neg_list)[:neg_size]